Борбордук Азиядагы Америка Университети - БААУ - НЕГИЗГИ ТАЛАПТАР



The Software Engineering Curriculum is based on the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) curriculum for a bachelor of science in computer science, and has been adapted to the standards of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the Software Engineering specialty. Because graduates of the program should have practical as well as theoretical knowledge of the field, all seniors write a senior project. Students wishing to graduate with honors may go on to defend this project.


Students graduating from the Software Engineering program must
• pass state examinations (TOEFL, Kyrgyz History, and if not defending a project, students must pass through the complex exam of Software Engineering)
• complete a minimum of 144/240 credit hours
• complete the Software Engineering required courses with a “D-“ or better
• complete a Senior Project
• complete the General Education requirements.

Upon completing the Software Engineering required courses and the General Education requirements, students are free to take Elective courses either inside or outside the department, focusing on their areas of interest. Students are also free to minor in another program.


Undergraduate students of a non-software engineering program willing to get a double-major in Software Engineering must have minimum 3.85 and higher of cumulative GPA and fulfill all the required and elective set of courses of the program. (Minutes #4/18)

Борбордук Азиядагы Америка университети
Аалы Токомбаев көчөсү 7/6
Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 720060

Тел.: +996 (312) 915000 + ички.
Факс:+996 (312) 915 028