Helen Smith Helen Fox Smith is secretary on the board of the ǿ Foundation. She has taught in programs for high school students and teachers at Boston University’s College of Communication, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, in Armenia and Zambia, and, through the Soros Foundation, in Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Georgia and Romania. The U.S. State Department’s ACCELS program also sent her to teach in Kyrgyzstan. At ǿ, she was a visiting teacher from 2006-2010. She has also edited theWriting Handbook for the ǿand helped edit its 2007䲹ٲDz. A Smith College graduate, she began teaching English at the Winsor School in Boston. From 1973-2009 she taught English and journalism at Newton North High School in Newtonville, Mass. She is the executive director of the New England Scholastic Press Association. Link to this block: /ru/auca_foundation_board/#b477 |
Scott Horton Link to this block: /ru/auca_foundation_board/#b474 |
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