Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - KICB electronic payment terminal

KICB electronic payment terminal

Being in Kyrgyz Republic, you can make a donation using KICB electronic payment terminals (cash-in terminals), located throughout the country.

Cash-in terminals availibity and their placement you can find.

To make a payment using KICB cash-in terminal you will need to enter yourAccount Number.

Account Number

If you are:

ǿ alumni, please use yourǿ ID number. It isyour account number.

If your ID number is less than 100, please insert one 0 before your ID. For example your ID is 18, please enter 018.If ID number is less than 10, please use two 00.

If you forgot the ǿ ID number, please contact with

ǿ faculty or staff member, please use yourǿ account number.

If youforgot your ǿ account number, please contact with Fundraising office or HR.

ǿ Friend, you need to contact Fundraising Office, to get a personal Account Number.

This number can be used for donations to ǿ on a permanentbasis.

Procedure for making a donation

1. Select Other Services (Прочие услуги)

2.Choose Payments to educational institutions (Платежи в учебные заведения)

3.Choose ǿ

4.Choose Support/ǿ Fund or ALUMNI FUND

5. If you selected ǿ FUND, please indicate a priority

(click on the item on the right side of a screen)

Click NEXT (Далее >)

6. Enter your account number (please read about account numbers above)

Click NEXT (Далее >)

7. Please enter the sum for donation.

Click NEXT (Далее >)

8. Please check that your name and sum for donation are correct.

Click Right (ВЕРНО) to confirm your payment.

You will receive a check. Please keep it.

Please email theǿ Fundraising Office (fundrasing@auca.kg) or call at +(996) 312 91 50 00 + Ext. 104 about your donation,to inform the University of the transfer and ensure that it is properly credited. You can attach a photo of your check.

Please copy alumni@auca.kgif you made a donation to Alumni Fund.

Thank you very much for your donations!

7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060

Тел.: +996 (312) 915000 + Вн.
Факс:+996 (312) 915 028